The longer you hold circle the more points you will receive. Square is for flip tricks and circle is for grabs.

TRICK CONTROLS When in the air tap the square or circle buttons while pressing a direction. Bailing - when you fall of the skateboard push all the controller buttons to get up faster.

Longer you hold it, the higher your ollie will be Nollie - push L2 and then do an ollie Wallride - press and hold triangle when you're in the air near a wall or sign Manuals - when skating on land push up-down or down up No Comply - hold X and quickly tap up and release X Boneless/Fastplant/Beanplant - hold X and quickly tap up-up and release X Revert - press L2 or R2 when landing from big air on a half pipe. Controls - BASIC CONTROLS Ollie - hold down the X button to crouch, release it to jump. Extras 3.1: Board Locations 3.2: Stat Point Locations 3.3: Unlockables 3.4: Codes 4. Walkthrough 2.1: The Foundry 2.2: Canada 2.3: Rio Ruckus 2.4: Suburbia 2.5: Airport 2.6: Skater Island 2.7: Los Angeles 2.8: Tokyo 2.9: Cruise Ship 3. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 = Walkthrough Version Final By ryu349 Email: Date started: Date Finished: = - CONTENTS - 1.